A to Z Challenge

Thursday, May 16, 2013

You are as old as you think you are...

Short and sweet. Yesterday I was in my early 40's...today I have hit the mid 40's. But, age is just a number. I may have a few wrinkles and a little extra fluff...but I still feel as fun-loving as I did back in my twenties. So, I am not really in my mid 40's. Nope, I'm in my mid 20's. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Have a great day everyone!

Me and my friend just a wee bit before my wedding...

And, this is pretty much me now...except the me writing still has bed head and hasn't had her first cup of coffee : ) Shoot, it's my birthday...maybe I'll skip the coffee and go back to champagne first thing in the morning!


  1. Happy belated birthday! I've decided that I am going to be 35 forever and ever... ;)

    1. My chronological age has not and never will match my emotional age...Just like that lovely eighties tune...Forever young, I wanna be, forever young!

  2. Happy Belated Birthday! I think no matter what age I am, I'll always be a 16-yr-old fan girl at heart :-)
