A to Z Challenge

Friday, July 27, 2012

75 Word Stories, Say What?

When I pressed the send button on my book to share it with the world, I didn't fully realize all that I'd be doing. Who knew I'd have a twitter account, who knew I'd be blogging (And arr matey, hopping from one piratey blog to the next). Color me suprised. But, I can't really complain as it's actually been an enjoyable ride. I'm getting to know so many people, and I'm learning so much about writing, sharing, and marketing.

As I was perusing author's that I might want to follow on Twitter, I came across @lenaland or Helena Mallett. I thought her book 75x75=Flash Fraction was brilliant. It is basically this, 75 short stories that are exactly 75 words. No way, not possible. Now, while I'll admit that they are not stories per se...they are snapshots that get you thinking, laughing, or caring what happens next. In a mere 75 words.

I enjoyed the book very much and felt like I got plenty of bang for my bucks ($2.99 to be exact). I decided the next time I'm having difficulty coming up with what to write, I'm going to employ this idea for writing exercises and see where my words take me. Great idea for finding the most impactful use of words in a minimalist style.

Not all the stories had the same impact on me, but they were all well written. The first two in the book might still be my absolute favorite. One made me say "Awwwww." The other made me giggle. Helena tackled a wide ranging variety of topics. There's just about something for everyone.

I'm so glad that I have joined in this wonderful community of aspiring authors. I am learning and growing, meeting and sharing, and it's all been such a pleasure.


  1. Hmm. That's one of the most creative formats I've seen in a while. I think I'll have to give that one a look!

    1. It was a very fun read. She switches it up from sweet, to funny, to sad, to sort of scary...you never quite know where she's going to head next. I enjoyed it.

  2. Thanks for recommending this book. It sounds like something I will enjoy.
    and I love value prices like this one. The price just makes it a sweeter find:)

    1. I hope you enjoy it. I went through the little bits rather quickly, but it gave me pause to think how so much can be said in such a little space. Hopefully that frame of mind will help me with edits : )

  3. a book like that looks lovely. i have a blog www.75wordstory.blogspot.in where I tweet about a theme every weekend for people to write and send the stories via email. we also have over 100 members on FB group short fiction who read and write for the blog !! yay.

    1. I'll have to go check it out! Sounds like a fun place to hang out : )

    2. good to know you did. i like your blog btw!

    3. Thanks, slowly ramping it up.
