A to Z Challenge

Friday, March 1, 2013

Aw shucks - for me?

I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy this evening. I was given an award! The lovely Tara Tyler took notice of my humble ramblings.

I am hereby ordered to tell you seven things about myself.

1. I don't always like to follow the rules. And, I can be a bit snarky. Hmm, is that one thing or two? It's under one number heading...

2. Being a wife and mom is the greatest job in the world! I love my family with all my heart and they mean the world to me.

3. I'm sponsoring a writing contest at my daughter's elementary school this year. I'm thrilled that the kids will get to see their writing and their names in print!

4. I have 6 sisters and 4 brothers. I'm the baby of the family. And, I'm spoiled. Yup.

5. I have two children in college and don't think that should be possible. Where the hell did all the time go?

6. I went to high school at a boarding academy. I wonder what percentage of Americans go to boarding school? It wasn't because we were rolling in money either...remember those 10 brothers and sisters? Going to a boarding school is a unique experience with mostly happy memories, though many times I felt like the guy from Papillon.

7. I wish there were a few more hours in the day, because I never seem to get everything on my list done and so many things have to wrap around to the next day...or the one after that.

8. Because I like to break the rules, I thought I'd just add a number eight. I don't think I even want to tell you anything else. Oh, who am I kidding. Of course I'll tell you something else. I own a very large Doberman puppy. He's nine months and weighs 90 pounds or more. And, he's currently sleeping at my feet. I'm going to have to kick him out of the room though, because he keeps creating SBD's that curl the nose hair.

Wow, now to nominate 15 more bloggers...
1. Barbara Brown
2. E and K
3. Author Wodke Hawkinson
4. Gale Martin
5. Ruth Long
6. Connie Jasperson
7-15. Your name here...You get the award! Yes, you the one with the squinty eyes. You're reading it correctly. The award belongs to you too! Don't you feel all warm and fuzzy now?

I'm sorry, I know I'm supposed to nominate more folks, and really there are so many who deserve acknowledgement, you know who you are. I'm pretty sure you don't need little old me to tell you how awesome you are.

Here are the Rules of the Award Blog:

Display the award logo on your blog post.
Link back to the person who nominated you.
State 7 things about yourself.
Nominate 15 bloggers to the award.
Notify those bloggers of the nomination by linking to one of their specific posts so that they get notified by ping back. (I probably didn't follow this rule, either)!


  1. Millie, thank you for naming me for such a nice award, but I'm just not good at these sorts of things. I will be more than happy to cross-promote your blog in my next post which should go out on either tuesday or wednesday, though.

    1. No problem Connie. Just so you felt the love : )
