A to Z Challenge

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A to Z - Some Times

Sometimes I curl up in a cozy corner, hands wrapped ‘round a steaming coffee mug.  I shut out the world, letting my mind wander.  Random thoughts flit and flicker.  Words spring to life, forming images.  Images swirl and morph framing a plot.  Characters argue amongst themselves, snagging my attention, claiming their role. 

I love when I can enjoy some time in a cozy corner as worlds are born from the fertile soil of my mind.

Do you have a special place where your some times happen?


  1. There's nothing better than a bit of dreaming time to help prepare for the words. Nice to meet and connect through atozchallenge. http://aimingforapublishingdeal.blogspot.co.uk/

    1. I love when my subconscious gets to take over and the words just start to tumble. It's a magic of its own! Nice to meet you as well.

  2. I'm with you on this one! For me, this is why I go for walks or sit by the lake.

    1. Nature is a great place for letting the mind wander : ) I love to get out in the fresh air too!
